Monday, September 22, 2014

Blog Post 1

Jenny Nussbaum
Professor Casanueva
Blog Post 1

Recently the very well known company HBO (owned by Time Warner, one of the largest television companies in the US), has revealed their interest in selling their television shows directly to the people, a similar concept like netflix, rather than go through other television companies in order for the audience to enjoy their shows. It is surprising to hear such a reveal since a few years ago, such an idea was completely turned down. Although with the recent success of netflix, it seems that Time Warner wants to give it a try.
The problem with companies like Time Warner is that it dominates over several other smaller companies as well as has the ability to buy out any smaller companies it wants. According to Robert McChesney, when these larger companies exist, it is difficult for television to have variety since there is so little competition. So many shows nowadays have similar concepts but different actors/actresses and are produced by another company. This is convenient for the company because consumers will still watch them and the companies will make a profit. It is upsetting from an outsider’s point of view because consumers end up watching the same shows over and over again.

With this idea in mind, it is very interesting that a company like Time Warner would think to create an independent subscription based television streaming website (HBO Go exists as a streaming website, but you must have an HBO subscription in order to also have HBO Go). Because of the way HBO is currently run (consumers can buy their subscriptions through a cable or satellite company), it doesn’t have to deal with the costs that netflix have to deal with, resulting in a large profit for HBO. If they were to run HBO as its own subscription, there would be a lot more costs; although it would be beneficial for consumers who are interested in only an HBO subscription and not cable or satellite. The fact that the CEO of Time Warner is considering this almost goes against what McChesney says that all television companies are out to do: Make profit and reduce costs in the most convenient way (McChesney 21-30). This can be seen as a step in the right direction for improving television and providing a more unique television in the future for the US.

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